Something sinister approaches... As of today, the hunt for the spookiest house in DuckyWood begins!
Your objective is to decorate one of your Duckywood lots with the scariest furni you own. At the end of the month, a panel of Duckywood’s esteemed builders and council members will score your lot on the following criteria:
originality in concept
creativity in materials used
overall scariness
HauntedHouseAwardBadge.png1.48 KBEach participant will receive a badge on their Duckywood profile for eligible entries. Submissions can be made by screenshotting a picture of your lot in a new post in the “Halloween House Decorating Contest Submissions” forum on the DuckyWood Discord server. Make sure to include your Habbo username and your Duckywood lot name and number. (Eg. Username: Jolieb, 432 Bonsai Blvd).
Haven't joined the DuckyWood Discord server yet? Just click your Habbo avatar in the upper right corner on the DuckyWood website, then click the Settings link. image.png29.84 KBIf you prefer not to join the DuckyWood Discord server to submit your entry, please reach out to a DuckyWood Council Member through Habbo and we can submit your entry on your behalf.
Prize: The winner of the contest will receive 100c and a featured star tile in Duckywood’s Town Square and the runner up will receive 50c.
Other Habbos may help you decorate, but only the lot owner will receive the badge and prize if selected.
Wired use is permitted but not a requirement.
If you own multiple lots in Duckywood, only one may be submitted.
Be courteous of room furni limits.
Stay within DW+ furni limits. Additional BC slots can be purchased through Zarek.
This contest will officially close on October 31st at midnight EST and winners will be announced the week following the closure of the contest after the judging period has finished.
Change your habbo's motto to the authentication code; Close this modal window and wait for the Login button.
Authentication Code
Log into Habbo and change your Habbo's motto to the authentication code shown above. Close this instructional modal window and wait for the Login button to appear.
After you're logged into DuckyWood, you can revert your Habbo's motto back to your preferred motto.
How do I update my motto?
Go to any public or private room
Click on your Habbo avatar
Your Habbo info-card is displayed in the bottom right corner of the screen.
Click anywhere in the motto section to edit your motto.
Paste in the authorization code that was copied to your clipboard using the keyboard shortcut below:
Windows CTRL + V
Mac command + V
and then press the Enter or Return key.
Close this instructional modal window and wait for the Login button.
Go to any public or private room
Click on your Habbo avatar in the bottom left corner
Click the My Profile menu option.
Click the edit button, , highlighted in yellow.
Paste or type in the authorization code that was copied to your clipboard.
Press the OK button to save changes.
Close this instructional modal window and wait for the Login button.
Click on your Habbo avatar in the bottom left hand corner.
Click the Profile menu option.
Click the edit button, , highlighted in yellow.
Paste in the authorization code that was copied to your clipboard using the keyboard shortcut below:
Windows CTRL + V
Mac command + V
and then press the Enter or Return key.
Close this instructional modal window and wait for the Login button.
DuckyWood | Privacy Policy
TLDR You temporarily update your Habbo motto; We use that for authentication. We never control your Habbo account or store credentials.
Privacy Points
DuckyWood does not access login credentials for your Habbo account.
Authentication is done via two APIs:
Habbo API Read your Habbo's current motto status
DuckyWood API Used to provide integration with the website and your virtual real estate in the DuckyWood world.
DuckyWood will never ask for a password
If there is no password, how do I log into DuckyWood?
DuckyWood uses a passwordless authentication method. You log into our platform by temporarily updating your Habbo's motto with a one-time use code displayed on our login page. DuckyWood will then read your current Habbo's motto status.
If it matches the one-time code we expect, we'll approve your login. If it doesn't, we'll reject the login attempt and ask you to try again.
Your Habbo's motto status is publicly accessible information. DuckyWood will never have access to your Habbo account at any point.
This type of authentication is safe & secure since we never need to store sensitive login information. We assume Habbo account ownership belongs to you if you have the ability to update your Habbo's motto (which requires logging into the official Habbo website).